When you change the way, you look at things, the things you look at change. ~ Max Planck
While observing the play of light around the human body, drops of water or crystals, we understand that everything in the world has an interrelationship, and any object - biological or inorganic - has its own inner energy. Understanding the fact that our life is not only a material body and a material existence but, first of all, it is energy, and therefore – Spirit (gases and Aether elements), which makes us have a new attitude towards our everyday reality.
When in real time, we observe changes in the human biological field (Human Biofield) under influence of the mind forces (mind over matter) therapy, meditation, prayer, love, water, it makes us see the world around us with wide awake eyes.
This blog focuses on how the Human Biofield responds to Jiva Water as it reflects the full light spectrum, organizes and oxygenates water - fortifies all biological life, from plants to humans.
Jiva systems take charge of life.
The human body is made of 99.9 percent water at a molecular level, but oxygen and sunlight are what give it its charge and radiant energy. Water is the canvas for life and light and is the body's main element.
Jiva Water fortifies all biological life, from plants to humans, by restoring its vitality and natural form & structure
Our bodies are made of dancing particles of light (photons), and through chemical processes are in ever-changing states. We can influence and enhance this dynamic process, not only through therapy, meditation, prayer and love, but also through the revolutionary water device called Jiva - it is the bridge to Nature’s wisdom.
It’s a revitalizing influencer when you consider that your bodies’ engine does not run optimally when it is low on oxygen, water, or sunshine (radiant energy) — JIVA is a symphony of wellness.
How does Jiva measure this? How do we know? We use advanced instruments that measure the “biofield”.
Your biofield is a measure/signature of the electrical aliveness and energetic signature of your body.
Below, energy is highlighted with an example of the depth and detail of how the “Human Biofield” of a professional female engineer in her upper 20’s responded after drinking 1 liter of oxygen-rich, frequency-enhanced, optimally energized water induced by Jiva.
"If we are to understand life, we must look at the electron configurations inside complex molecular structures." - Albert Szent Gyorgi"
Let’s get right to it.
To recap: The images presented are the PRE – POST Biofield data after drinking 1 liter of Jiva Water and recorded 1 hour later.
Energy Field Charts show increase from 18% to 30% + Smooth Energy Flow (Looking at the images – Front - Left - Right) – Front (41 to 52 Joules) – Left (27 to 32 Joules) – Right (28 to 33 Joules)

Chakra alignment increased from 77% to 97% + Core Inner Strength Revived

Energy reserves shows symmetry & uniformity across the entire biofield post JIVA – 36% to 75% (Pink to Orange – Hypofunction; Green – Normal function; Cream to Yellow – Hyperfunction) – Values in Joules
Pre (Orange Plot)

Post (Indigo Plot)

Stress Chart Summary
ORANGE BAR – PRE; INDIGO BAR – POST (Stress reduced and Energy increased)

Response of Important Systems / Organs
Endocrine System: Organs
Zone Values in Joules: Y Axis – 0 to 4 Hypofunction (Pink to Orange); 4 to 6 Normal Function (Green); 6 to 7 Hyperfunction (Beige) - Note: All the organs responded by increased energy after drinking Jiva Water & provided the whole system with a boost of energy + Stability

Digestive System
Zone Values in Joules: Y Axis – 0 to 4 Hypofunction (Pink to Orange); 4 to 6 Normal Function (Green); 6 to 7 Hyperfunction (Beige) - Note: All the organs responded by increased energy after drinking JIVAWATER & provided the whole system with a boost of energy + stability
Immune System
Zone Values in Joules: Y Axis – 0 to 4 Hypofunction (Pink to Orange); 4 to 6 Normal Function (Green); 6 to 7 Hyperfunction (Beige) - Note: All the organs responded by increased energy after drinking JIVAWATER & provided the whole system with a boost of energy + stability


Summary Chart of Energy Field and Chakra
ORANGE BAR – PRE; INDIGO BAR – POST (This histogram is a summary of the Energy Field Charts + Chakra Charts)

The water we drink becomes blood within five minutes. The liquid crystalline nature of Jiva Water enhances coherence and aligns one entire biofield into the synergy of nature from the inside out. All the energy flows and smoothens the sharp radial patterns.
Jiva Water fortifies all biological life, from plants to humans, by restoring its vitality, natural form & structure. Can we then affirm that water could be the key that unlocks human potential to begin to live in harmony with nature!
- The Man who Tapped the Secret of the Universe (Walter Russell)
- Jiva Water – The Living & Conscious Being
Krishna Madappa, Ph.D, Founder @jivawater
Karen Elkins, Author + Editor, https://www.sciencetosage.com/