For millennia, water has been revered as a life-giving elixir, the very essence of existence. It quenches our thirst, sustains our bodies, and shapes our planet. Water holds a profound significance in Jain culture, symbolizing purity, life, and the interconnectedness of all beings. Jains believe that water is a sacred substance that sustains life and should be treated with respect and reverence.
The concept of achet paani, or "living water," suggests that water possesses a unique vitality. This belief, often seen as spiritual or philosophical, has a scientific foundation. Water constitutes over 70% of our bodies, making it a profound influencer of human health.
Jains view water as a living entity, endowed with consciousness and the ability to experience pain. This belief is rooted in the Jain principle of ahimsa, which means non-violence towards all living beings.
The Paradigm Shift
Beyond its physical properties, a new paradigm suggests that water may hold a deeper secret – the attributes of a living entity. Recent scientific research has revealed that water is more than a simple molecule. It exhibits unique properties that suggest a level of consciousness or intelligence.
Furthermore, water has been found to exhibit properties that are typically associated with living organisms. It can self-organize, adapt to changing conditions, and even exhibit memory. These findings challenge the traditional view of water as an inert substance and suggest that it may possess a level of vitality or life force.

Let’s explore the scientific evidence that challenges our traditional understanding of water. The unique physical, chemical, and biological structure of water and its remarkable capacity to store and transfer information is a concept that is new to us. We can also "program" water, and this understanding can revolutionize our relationship with this essential element.
The Unique Structure of Water
Water (H2O) is a seemingly simple molecule, consisting of two hydrogen atoms bonded to a single oxygen atom. Yet, beneath its apparent simplicity lies a complex and fascinating structure. Unlike most liquids, water molecules exhibit a strong tendency to form hydrogen bonds with each other. These hydrogen bonds create a dynamic network that gives water its unique properties.
One of the most remarkable properties of water is its high specific heat capacity. This means that water can absorb a large amount of heat without experiencing a significant increase in temperature. This property is essential for regulating Earth's climate, as water absorbs and releases heat slowly, preventing rapid fluctuations in temperature.
Water is also a universal solvent, capable of dissolving a wide range of substances. This property is crucial for life, as it allows for the transport of nutrients and waste products within living organisms. Additionally, water has a high surface tension, which creates a cohesive force that allows for capillary action. This phenomenon is essential for the transport of water in plants and the movement of fluids in our bodies.
The Memory of Water
Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of water's new paradigm is its ability to store and transfer information. Pioneering research by scientists like Masaru Emoto and Jacques Benveniste suggests that water can be "programmed" through various means, such as exposure to electromagnetic fields, sound waves, or even human intention. Water's unique structure also enables it to store information, akin to a memory.
Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher, conducted groundbreaking experiments to demonstrate water's ability to respond to external stimuli. He exposed water samples to different words, music, and images, then froze the samples and photographed the resulting ice crystals.
Emoto discovered that the crystals formed by water exposed to positive words and emotions were intricate and beautiful. In contrast, those exposed to negative words and emotions were often distorted or fragmented. This suggested that water could be influenced by human consciousness and that it might retain a memory of the energies it encountered.
Programming Water with Intention
If water can be programmed, the question arises – how can we do it? Some studies suggest that intention may play a role. Our thoughts and emotions are forms of energy, and it is possible that these energetic fields can influence the structure of water. Prayer, meditation, and positive affirmations are all ways to focus our intention and potentially program water with beneficial information.
Jiva Water Devices: Harnessing the Life Force
The concept that water may possess a deeper, living quality is gaining traction. Jiva Water Devices, developed by Dr. Krishna Madappa, aligns with this understanding. These devices are designed to restore the Life Force Energy in water, a concept that suggests water can be "programmed" or imbued with positive energy. Jiva Water Devices uses a revolutionary technology developed by Dr. Krishna Madappa, a renowned expert in bio-energy sciences and water technologies. Dr. Krishna's extensive research has revealed that the Life Force Energy in the water we consume is often depleted, leading to a decline in the overall vitality of our bodies and the health of our planet.
Jiva Water Devices utilizes a bio-mimic process to restore Life Force Energy to water. These devices are designed based on principles that tap into the natural resonance and vibrational frequencies of water. By channeling water through the device, it is exposed to a specific environment or material that resonates at these frequencies, thereby restoring or enhancing its inherent life energy.
The Jiva Water Devices are easy to use and require minimal maintenance. They are available in various models suitable for different applications, including home use, farming, and agriculture. By using a Jiva Water Device, you can restore the life force energy to your water and experience the many benefits for yourself and your loved ones.